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advanced airway managementの例文


  • Many methods are used in Advanced airway management.
  • Advanced airway management can be performed " blindly " or with visualization of the glottis by using a laryngoscope.
  • "' Advanced airway management "'is the subset of airway management that involves high skill and invasiveness.
  • It is not necessarily used by health care professionals, as they may have access to more advanced airway management techniques, such as intubation.
  • Advanced airway management is frequently performed in the critically injured, those with extensive pulmonary disease, or anesthetized patients to facilitate oxygenation and mechanical ventilation.
  • In the 20th century, the safety and efficacy of general anaesthesia was improved by the routine use of tracheal intubation and other advanced airway management techniques.
  • In contrast to basic airway management maneuvers such as head-tilt or jaw-thrust, advanced airway management relies on the use of medical equipment.
  • In the 20th century, the safety and efficacy of general anesthesia was improved by the routine use of tracheal intubation and other advanced airway management techniques.
  • The emergency physician requires a broad field of knowledge and advanced procedural skills often including surgical procedures, trauma resuscitation, advanced cardiac life support and advanced airway management.
  • Respiratory therapists are clinicians trained in advanced airway management; establishing and maintaining the airway during management of trauma, intensive care, and may administer anaesthesia for surgery or conscious sedation.
  • In advanced airway management, the inhaled foreign objects, however, are either removed by using a simple plastic suction device ( such as a Yankauer suction tip ) or under direct inspection of the airway with a laryngoscope or bronchoscope.
  • The term is also used for life-sized dolls with simulated airways used in the teaching of first aid, CPR, and advanced airway management skills such as tracheal intubation and for human figures used in computer simulation to model the behavior of the human body.
  • American is adding equipment for " advanced airway management " for patients who have trouble breathing, a wider variety of medications, and other features that will " permit a physician to handle the first hour of virtually every emergency, " he says.
  • Its " Treatment Recommendation " under " Opening the Airway " says, " Rescuers should open the airway using the head tilt chin lift maneuver . " If the patient is in danger of pulmonary aspiration, he or she should be placed in the recovery position, or advanced airway management should be used.
  • The level of care provided includes cardiac monitoring, defibrillation, external and transvenous pacing, advanced airway management, ventilator, invasive and non-invasive CPAP / BiPAP, blood product administration, invasive line management, arterial lines, central lines, an extensive line of critical care medications, IV pumps, cardiac assist devices, intraaortic balloon pump management and specialty team neonatal critical care.
  • EMT-IVs are trained to the NREMT-B standard in accordance with DOT regulations, as well as receive additional training in advanced airway management, administration of epinephrine 1 : 1000 in anaphylaxis, administration of nebulized and aerosolized Beta-2 agonists such as Xopenex and albuterol, administration of D50W and D25W, IV therapy and access, and trauma life support including the use of MAST trousers.
  • Paramedics are trained in advanced airway management, IV therapy,, "'free-solo mountain climbing "', EKG and 12 lead monitoring, Advanced Cardiac Life Support ( ACLS ), "'slam-dunk competitions "', Pediatric Advanced Life Support ( PALS ), cardiac defibrillation and pacing, medication administration and monitoring, etc . Paramedics provide emergency coverage to communities, "'international terrorism, "'inter-facility transfers, international terrorism, and nursing home emergencies.